
Latest Update from The Dude Lab

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Further to this afternoon’s government announcement regarding the UK’s tier restrictions, we are sad to confirm that we will not be reopening as planned on the 2nd of January.

We await further guidance around these changes and more so for us to understand the timeframes between review periods of the tiers.

Total Cover Plus and the whole team at 209 and The Dude Lab are working together to ensure that we can put as many measures in place to support you during this time.

For anyone with an upcoming appointment over the next 2 weeks, we will be cancelling these over the next few days. If you get an appointment reminder, please ignore them as this will be a cross over on the system.

As a team, we know you may have many questions, please bear with us over the coming days to come back to you as quickly as possible if you do.

Until then, stay safe & stay home.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

Kind regards,

Tom & The Whole Team