We Understand
The Dude Lab’s founder, Tom knows from his own hair loss journey that many sufferers start losing their hair in their early 20s, which is a time when many people feel much too young to go bald!
Hair loss can be devastating. Whether it is male pattern baldness, alopecia totalis, thinning hair in general or hair loss after cancer treatment – all these conditions have one thing in common: they make the sufferer feel uncomfortable, unwell and less confident.
A lot of young men and women struggle with the fact that they are losing their hair. In their helplessness, they try a whole range of supposed solutions, such as hair fibres, hair transplants, laser therapy, medication and many other things. To the surprise of many people, these options do not achieve a full head of hair in most cases. This leaves them feeling even more dejected. Toupees and wigs, in contrast, provide a full head of hair but do not look natural or realistic and are often quite uncomfortable.
Being full of hope, most hair loss sufferers are willing to try almost anything on their quest for the perfect solution. Many companies are abusing this hope on the market and hence puts a lot of people in a difficult position.
How We can help
The Dude Lab is here to take away the taboo of hair loss among guys. In partnership with Total Cover Plus, we work together to create complete transparency to ensure that customers can fully understand all the positive and negative sides of every hair loss solution that is available on the market. This works because we share our knowledge. As a customer, it is essential that you can make an informed decision to choose what is best for you. And we know that the facts speak for themselves: Total Cover Plus hair systems are the best.
The Dude Lab and Total Cover Plus has more than 25 years of experience in the hair replacement sector; they have created an honest revolution in hair replacement. Most importantly, they have a technologically advanced hair system that is specifically designed to suit our life and to give us a full head of real hair.
Making the right choice
The unique Total Cover Plus hair system is made from a breathable, micro-thin artificial skin (0.03mm), in they have implanted the highest grade of human hair. The entire system is gently bonded to the bald area of the scalp for up to 7 weeks. Then it is cut and styled exactly the way you want. The front hairline is invisible.
In order to know if our Total Cover Plus hair system is right for you, get in touch with The Dude Lab to book a free consultation, during which you can find exactly how it works and you can find out what we can do for you.
You can also call the Total Cover Plus customer service line on 0800 689 00 77 and ask all of the questions that you can think of. We also provide advice via email through our contact page. We will answer all of your questions to make sure you understand all the ins and outs of hair loss and hair replacement.
Why a Total Cover Plus hair system?
Total Cover Plus set out to create a hair system that looks like your hair, and that feels like your hair. They are made from the highest quality hair available. A breathable artificial base skin that is so thin that it virtually becomes one with you.
The unique Total Cover Plus hair system is made from a breathable, micro-thin artificial skin (0.03mm), in which we have implanted the highest grade of human hair. The entire system is gently bonded to the bald area of the scalp for up to 7 weeks. Then it is cut and styled exactly the way you want. The front hairline is invisible.The artificial AirActive ContactSkin® is the base of their hair system.
It is completely unique and not produced by any other company. The bio-engineered AirActive ContactSkin® is designed to imitate the epidermis, the top layer of the human skin. At an incredible 0.03mm it is micro-thin and just as elastic as real skin. This allows the hair system to breathe and become one with you. Each hair looks as if it has grown out of the artificial skin and it gives you the effortless look of natural hair. It looks as if it was your own hair.
You live with it normally, just as if it was your own hair (which it now is). You can sleep, shower and play sports in it and we can give you virtually any hair style you like. We only use proven products. Why is our product so unique? It’s simple: No painful surgery. No toupees or wigs. No drugs or lotions. No side effects.
Stage one – Preparation
Stage two – Application
Stage three – The look
The Dude Lab and Total Cover Plus offers superior quality at affordable prices. An essential part of our philosophy is that our Total Cover Plus hair system has to suit your life and your needs, not vice versa. That is why we offer two separate payment plans. Whether you like being free and independent or you prefer long-term security, we have the deal for you.
Just like your mobile phone, only top up when you need it.
From Only £539 PER SYSTEM
We believe that you should be able to buy a hair system without committing yourself economically before knowing if this is even for you. The most important thing for us is that you maintain complete financial freedom. We want you to have the choice of how to access your hair system.
PAY AS YOU GO simply means:
Whenever you want a new hair system, you contact the studio directly and book an appointment for a new system and fitting/styling, during which you pay for your hair system. We will take full payment for the system and then arrange application for standard systems with in 7-10 working days.
Flat Rate
For just £179 per month, you can have up to 12 hair systems a year or 1 a month.
From Only £179 PER Session
Flat Rate
Total Cover Plus Standard Hair System | From £539 |
Application Appointment | £160 |
Refit Appointment | £80 |
Haircut | £29 |
Hairline refit | £29 |
In Studio Perm/Curl Surcharge | £55 |
Grey Colour Coverage (Up to 15cm hair) | £36 |
Sideburns Colour | £29 |
Highlights (Up to 15cm hair) | £89 |
Root Colour (Over 15cm hair) | £89 |
Roots to end Colour (Over 15cm hair) | £POA |
Colour Refresh (Over 15cm Hair) | £POA |
Full Colour Process | POA |
We know that our AirActive ContactSkin® hair system is the best product on the market and freedom is an essential part of our philosophy.
That’s why we have a solution for everybody – it is up to you if you stay independent and Pay As You Go or if you opt for long-term security and pay monthly with our Flat Rate Deal. There are no maintenance obligations. The Total Cover Plus hair system should adapt to your life and not vice versa.
We want our prices to be completely transparent. That’s why we divide them up into the price for the Total Cover Plus hair system and the price for the service at The Dude Lab. The price for the hair system is the same everywhere, but the service charge differs from studio to studio. This service includes the cleaning of the scalp, preparation of the scalp, application of the Total Cover Plus hair system, customisation, cut, blow dry, styling and styling tips. You can expect the whole procedure to take between 2 and 3 hours.
All the materials we use conform to surgical standards and have been used by medical professionals for years without causing any allergic reactions. Our materials have also been dermatologically tested and proven to be completely safe.
Total Cover Plus believe so much in their product that they provide a 100% money back guarantee should you not be satisfied with it.
Everything we tell you on our website is real. But we don’t just want you to simply take our word. We know that getting a hair system can seem like a big commitment at first, so we want to make the process as safe and easy as possible. If you, for whatever reason, are not fully satisfied with the hair system we will give you your money back.
Here’s how it works:
If you are a first time customer we will refund the full cost of the hair system (not the service charge) if you return your hair system to the studio within 5 days after the initial application. We will fill out our return form. Once you have done this, we will refund your money for the cost of the hair system.
What’s not to like?
Unlike most other hair replacement methods, which are painful and/or have serious side effects, the Total Cover Plus hair system/hair integration system does NOT hurt at all. We use medical grade, pH neutral materials that have never caused any allergic reactions and do not pose any risk to your health.
Yes. The Total Cover Plus hair system is only removed during your next appointment at the studio, just before you get your new hair system. You can shower in it, exercise in it, do everything as you normally would.
Whatever you do with your normal hair you can do with the Total Cover Plus hair system too. You can shower, swim, drive a convertible or go sky diving, your hair won’t hold you back. However, we do recommend that you only use Total Cover Plus styling products.
You can have almost any hairstyle you want. You can wear your hair long or short, brush it back or wear it spiky. On our website you can find a range of photos and videos of different hairstyles. If you have a specific hairstyle in mind, why not get in touch and make an appointment with one of our studios?
We offer our own range of haircare products which have been developed specifically for the Total Cover Plus hair system and therefore provide the best care possible. This is the only way for you to make sure that you get the most out of your hair system. Our products contain less silicone, softening agents and alcohol than regular haircare products and are the best day to day care for your hair system.
In our society people are judged on their appearance. An attractive appearance leaves a good first impression and can lead to better opportunities when it comes to jobs or partners. It also gives a real boost to a person’s confidence. Surveys have shown that people with hair not only look younger, but are also consistently associated with more positive attributes than bald people. This highlights the obstacles that hair loss can create in everyday life. Our Total Cover Plus hair system system can solve all these problems for you.
One obvious alternative is to go bald. Some people feel confident and look great with a bald head. If this is the case with you then it is the most cost effective option for you. If you look better with hair then there is no alternative that really compares to the Total Cover Plus hair system. However, we have gathered more information about other hair loss solutions here.
Call us, email us and/or arrange an appointment. We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.
The Total Cover Plus hair system is based on the following 4 principles:
non-chemical, non-surgical, non-invasive and undetectable
The basis of our hair system is our unique AirActive ContactSkin®, an artificial skin that imitates the properties of the human epidermis, the top layer of the skin. It is only 0.03mm thin, has pores and is breathable. This allows your skin to breathe and sweat naturally while you are wearing the hair system. We implant individual human hairs randomly into this artificial skin, creating the impression that the hair is naturally growing out of the artificial skin. Each Total Cover Plus hair system is unique and customised to fit the exact balding/thinning area on your scalp. It is carefully bonded to your skin, using a water based and toxin free bond, and remains in place for up to 7 weeks. The Total Cover Plus hair system becomes a part of you without restricting you in any way and allows you to live your life to the fullest.
Our special ContactSkin® bond, the adhesive we use to bond the hair system to your scalp, generally lasts for up to 7 weeks. We also believe that our hair system looks its best within this period, which is an incredibly important factor for us. Whilst we want our systems to last, we know that how it looks is crucial to you and to us. Each client is unique and many clients comfortably exceed our wearing time. We have seen clients wearing their hair system for up to 16 weeks, while for others it just doesn’t last as long. Hence, to give you realistic and reasonable expectations, we say that it lasts up to 7 weeks. Whether it lasts longer or not depends very strongly on your body chemistry, your life style and how well you look after your hair.
Your body: The acidity level of your sweat can have an influence on the longevity of the bond. Oily skin and the amount of sweat can also affect the adhesion and hence require rebonding maintenance.
Your lifestyle: Your lifestyle can have a serious effect on your hair. For instance, the more often you swim in chlorine or salt water or spend time sweating in gyms or saunas, the faster your hair will degrade. Other factors, like diet, high alcohol intake, drug use and the styling products you use, can also have an influence on the system’s longevity.
Our Total Cover Plus AirActive ContactSkin® hair system creates the perfect illusion of a naturally growing, full head of hair. This is possible because we only use real hair of immaculate quality. Naturally growing hair undergoes a process of constant renewal and therefore tends to always look good. But hair that doesn’t grow can’t renew itself and over time it can begin to look dull and unhealthy. This happens with any hair replacement system, including hair extensions.
We believe that in order to make sure that your Total Cover Plus hair system always looks perfect you should exchange it regularly. How long it lasts depends on you. The better you look after your hair system the longer it will look good and the longer it will last.
Growing hair undergoes a process of constant renewal. This means that you lose and re-grow new hair every day. This ensures that you always have healthy new hair on your head. The hair in a hair replacement system doesn’t grow and therefore doesn’t undergo this process of renewal. If you have a toupee or a wig this means that you wear the same hair for up to 12 months. Unfortunately, the hair will start to fade and look dull after only 8 weeks. With our Total Cover Plus hair system we can guarantee that the hair always looks good by exchanging it regularly. And this will cost you far less than a toupee.
We believe that you should be able to buy a hair system without committing yourself economically before knowing if this is even for you. The most important thing for us is that you maintain complete financial freedom. We want you to have the choice of how to access your hair system.
PAY AS YOU GO simply means:
Whenever you want a new hair system, you contact the studio directly and book an appointment for a new system and fitting/styling, during which you pay for your hair system. We will take full payment for the system and then arrange application for standard systems with in 7-10 working days.
Our application fee is £160 and refit fee is £80.
We believe that our hair systems are suitable for most people with hair loss. However, there are many individual factors that can affect the hair system and these can differ considerable between people. Therefore there aren’t clear categories that can define how suitable our hair system is for any given person. Below you can find out more about the three most important factors.
The best thing in general is to go for a free initial consultation at one of our partner studios during which the stylist will assess your hair loss and determine if our hair system is suitable for you.
Hair loss:
The less hair you have the better the hair system will work for you. Any hair underneath the hair system keeps growing. The more hair growth you have underneath the hair system the more hair could potentially push up and subsequently cause the bond to be less effective. Also, the larger the bald area, the stronger the bond, as any tension on the hair system can be spread out more widely Therefore the rule of thumb is: The less hair the better.
This doesn’t mean that you have to be completely bald. It simply gives you an indication of how the hair system works best.
For people with diffuse or patchy hair loss or fine hair, such as you would see with female pattern baldness or alopecia areata, a hair integration system may be more suitable.
The PH level of your sweat (or in other words: how acidic your sweat is) is an important factor in terms of how long the bond will last. The more acidic your sweat the faster it will affect the bond. The overall amount of sweat also has an effect.
The oilier the skin the more it affects the bond. We can also only apply the system to healthy skin, so if you have a rash, a wound or any other skin issues on your head, we won’t apply the hair system until your scalp has healed.
Please keep in mind that for only around 1 in 10,000 people our hair system is not suitable due to acidic/excess sweat and oily/damaged/sensitive skin. So generally this is something most people should not worry about.
The less hair you have the less there is that can interfere with the hair system bonding and lasting for a good period of time. That, however, doesn’t mean that you have to be completely bald. More hair simply means that it can affect the longevity of the bond.
In other words: the more hair you have the more often you need to maintain your hair system.
A lot of people want to transition between losing their hair and getting a hair system at an early stage to ensure that other people do not notice the change. This is usually possible.
For people with diffuse or patchy hair loss or fine hair, such as you would see with female pattern baldness or alopecia areata, a hair integration system may be more suitable.
One of the great benefits of the Total Cover Plus hair system is the hair re-grow simulation. It means that we have the option to gradually add more hair in every session, moving your hairline or filling in bald spots bit by bit and thereby creating the illusion that your hair is re-growing slowly over a period of time. We can do the same with hair length, giving the impression that your hair is gradually growing longer like natural hair would.
Our bond lasts for up to 7 weeks and for some people it even lasts considerably longer, so from our experience the bond lasts very long.
Our bond is toxin free and water based. This means it is gentle to the scalp and doesn’t pose a health risk. It has an EC certificate which states that it is not harmful to human health.
In order to make it stronger we would have to use harmful ingredients that would create a health risk and would cause skin irritations and an uncomfortable experience. We don’t like the idea of that, so we decided no to do it.
Furthermore, due to the skin’s natural cell regeneration there is no bond that could stick forever. More aggressive bonds would simply be bad for your health.
Taking everything into account, we use the longest lasting bond that doesn’t have an adverse effect on your body.
Bespoke full head hair systems are made in accordance with your specifications. The prices for hair systems depend on the hair length.
Bespoke full head hair system:
- 15cm hair length – £669
- 20cm hair length – £729
- 30 cm hair length – £839
The average production time for a bespoke system is around 12-14 weeks.